Are you single handedly making love to your partner? I mean, do you only use your dominant hand during sex? Learning to be ambisextrous has its’ benefits. When you touch your lover with a non-dominant hand, you can access different angles and different positions. Every great masturbator knows that the feeling is different if you give yourself a lefty or a righty. I bet your lover knows it too.
Being ambisextrous may also allow for more sexual experiences that would not otherwise happen with dominant handed dependency. For example, let’s say you are out to dinner and you decide to try out one of my sexy under the table scenarios from my book and your lover is seated on the side of your non-dominant hand. Are you going to miss the chance for an erotic experience? I hope not.
So, whether you want to be a better lover or become smarter via sex, I hope you learn to become ambisextrous.
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